Bingo – 6/2/2025


Play from the comfort of your own home.

Put the kettle on, sit back and enjoy playing your favourite game from your own armchair

Eyes Down and Good Luck.

** NB: Books purchased before 10 AM on Wednesday of Bingo week will be emailed by noon. Purchases after 10 AM will be sent by 4:30 PM Thursday. **


SKU: N/A Category:


Any queries related to Bingo should be sent to this email address: [email protected]

The Zoom app must be downloaded to your computer/tablet/Smartphone to be able to view the Live Bingo Draw.

Please read all the instructions below before starting the game – it will make it all a more enjoyable experience.

When and how to join and play the game?

Time: Our bingo game will be available to join from 7:30pm on THURSDAY 6/2/2025 with “Eyes Down” promptly at 8.00pm.

A Zoom Link will be attached to your confirmation email after you have purchased your Book. Follow this link to view the Live Bingo Draw. It will also be attached to YOUR BINGO BOOK email

How to play:

The player who is the first to have all the numbers called displayed in a horizontal line on any of the 6 panels of the relevant game, wins the line prize.

To win the full house prize the player must have all numbers called marked in any one of the 6 panels for that game.

Please remember to mute your microphones on Zoom as the numbers are being called

However, if you have a check, shout loud and clear to stop the game

Our Automated system will automatically inform us when we have a winner so you can win even without playing your book. We still want you to Play along and call check, lets not forget, it’s all a bit of fun

Bingo Card Options:

It is best if you can print out your bingo card and circle the numbers as they are called out.

If you do not have a printer:

Suggestion 1: Copy the bingo card using pen and paper. Write out the bingo numbers as they appear on your individual bingo card. Then mark off circling the numbers.

Suggestion 2: Using a smartphone or tablet, take a screen shot of your bingo ticket and save it to your photos. You can then mark the numbers on your device.


All lines £50

HOUSE £100

HOUSE 5 £200

HOUSE 10 £1300 JACKPOT if called in 45 numbers or less, £500 if called in 50 numbers or less & £250 after 50 numbers!

Play from the comfort of your own Home & put the Kettle on at Halftime

REMEMBER You do not have to play to win. The Computer System picks up ALL WINNING BOOKS